The Links exhibition 2021

narrow beam angle

to focus

on architectural work

Project description :

Asked in an emergency to light an installation, we decided to take up the challenge that no one wanted to take. Sketch a solution, manufacture it and install it on site with our teams in less than 2 weeks. In such short times, there is no room for classic schemes involving lamps that are perfectly manufactured using long processes. Only reactivity and resourcefulness could get us out in this case. Not dwelling on the shape and look of the lamps, our only goal was the light effect. So to illuminate the architectural project panels at the Links Exhibition, we chose a light source with a very narrow beam angle and incorporated it into a case installed perfectly in an area that did not create shadows by the passage of visitors. To illuminate the models placed on the water, the light source being at least 4 meters away, we had to perfectly calculate lamps with an even smaller angle and increased power so that with hindsight only the model is illuminated with a precise circle.

Info project :

  • Client : DE-SO Asia
  • Lighting designer : Kobi lighting studio
  • Press : DE-SO Asia

